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2021年7月 いよいよ都市鉱山メダルが勝利者メダルとして渡されるTokyo2020オリンピック・パラリンピックが開催されるに当り、これまで各紙に出した解説記事などを整理しておきます。

英語版 EcoBalance国際会議 発表動画
English movie presentation at EcoBalance 2020

International conference
  “Significance of urban mined medals in Tokyo 2020 from the viewpoint of sustainability”   (movie)

The winner’s medals of 2020 Tokyo Olympic & Paralympic are made from recycled metals. JOC carried out the project named “Minnano Medal”, and 78,908 tons of used small electric appliances and 6,210,000 of used cell phones had been collected by citizens themselves with the support of 1621 local governments. All raw material of medals was supplied by this project. This is the first case in the history of Olympic. Small electric appliances recycling system, which launched from 2013, supported the base of this achievement.    In the presentation, three significances on sustainability are mentioned.  First, the sustainable resource management of circulation. The accumulated demand of metals until the end of this century will overshoot the amount of reserves with several times. Circulation based resource management is inevitable.   Second, reduction of the burden in resource mining. Great amount of total material requirements is on the rucksacks of small electric appliances and cell phones. Material circulation will reduce not only the raw material of products themselves but also the environmental resources behind them.  Third, mitigation of E-waste. Electric appliances such as cell phones contains various hazardous substances, as well as gold, silver and copper. The pollution of hazardous substance from electric appliances can be protected by appropriate recycling which has higher traceability such as Japanese recycling system of small electric appliances. Adding to the traceability, the importance of residue recycling is insisted in order to reduce the final waste.

日本LCA学会誌 Vol16(2020) No.1

2020 年の東京オリンピック・パラリンピックの金銀銅のメダルはオリンピック史上で初めてすべてリサイクル原料で製造される。すなわち天然の鉱石からではなく都市鉱山からつくる都市鉱山メダルである。本稿では、その意義と、それをレガシー(引き継ぐべきもの)として持続可能社会へ向けて定着させていく動きについて述べる。

エネルギー・資源 Vol.41 No.1 (2020) 15-17
都市鉱山 金属リサイクルが拓く持続可能な社会づくり  

月間廃棄物 2018 Dec. 8-10


無機マテリアル学会誌 Vol.26, 288-295(2019)



化学工学会 Vol.82 No.8 (2018)


月刊廃棄物 2018 Dec.2-6
小型家電は何故集まりにくい –参加型回収運動としてのMy都市鉱山バッグ運動–


2018/7/22 APSMR2018

Urban mined Olympic medals go toward Resource Efficient Circulation

2017/09/27 EARTH2017 PROCEEDING

The Meaning of 2020 Tokyo Urban Mined Olympic Medals

The 2020 Tokyo Olympic organizing committee has determined to make medals from urban mined metal. This is the attainment of the movement of Japanese citizns and recyclers, and the achievemnet of Japanese promotion of sound circulation society. 27% of gold, 42% of silver and 17% of cupper is produced from secondary raw material, and 214 kg of gold, 2563kg of silver and 1469 tons of cupper is recovered only from small size electric households.

This presentaion covers the progress of small electric household recycling in Japan, and the prehistory of the fulfillment of the urban mined medal, including the reactions of citizns about urban mine medal. The significance of the urban mined medal for sustainable development goals is also ascertained from both viewpoint of sustainable resource management and of the prevention of E-waste.

Futhermore, the development for the future will be discudssed. It is important to succeed to the next and further next Olympic. And, it is also important to apply to local events , not only Olympic games, inorder to widen the activity of recycling deeply into the local community.

2017/08/30 IU-MRS2017

Urban Mined Olympic Medal as a Legacy for Sustaiable Society” by Dr.HALADA

2017/07/29 APSMR 2017 Annual Meeting conference

Urban mined medal goes beyond 2020”   by Dr.HALADA


2019.11.29 東京タワー キッズ博士 報告会


2018.09.01 未来館 トークセッション





小学校 出前授業 「金メダルから環境を考えよう!」


化学工学会 表面改質分科会 第二回例会 2016.10.23 


origami 都市鉱山メダル推進帽子


2016.7 2020Tokyo都市鉱山メダルに向けたネット署名



IRRSG(International Raremetal & recycling stidy group)2016年第一回例会 2016.02.23


八戸、大館、一関の三市提案2020年東京オリンピック・パラリンピックのメダルに回収金属を活用することについての提案」のフィージビリティに関する調査報告  2016.1.11 エコマテリアル・フォーラム





貴金属会議 2016




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