No.38 Online Seminar “Fundamentals of Bioplastics and Their Future Prospects toward 2050”

[Date] Wednesday, March 23, 2022, 14:00-15:30 Online

The new plastics law is about to go into effect this April. Among the various measures of that new law, bioplastics are being discussed as one of the most important ones. The domestic input of biomass plastics was 72,000 tons in 2018, but the “Plastic Resource Recycling Strategy” calls for the “introduction of 2 million tons of biomass plastics by 2030. However, awareness about bioplastics does not seem to be widespread. This is because there is so much confusion between “biomass plastic” and “biodigradeable plastic. Therefore, we would like to invite Mr. Hiroyuki Mori, Advisor of the Japan BioPlastics Association, to talk about the basics of bioplastics and how to utilize them in the design of recycling-oriented products and to optimize their management and processing in the supply chain.

14:00 〜 14:15 Introduction by Kohmei Halada
“Resource Productive and Prosperous Value-Circulating Society”
(Circular Economy – Global Multi-Value Circulation)
Study Group Secretariat, President, Sustainability Design Institute

14:15 〜 14:55 Lecture “Fundamentals of Bioplastics and Their Future Prospects toward 2050”
Hiroyuki Mori, Advisor, Japan Bioplastics Association

15:00 〜 15:30 Opinion exchange

[How to participate]
Please note that the number of participants will be limited to those who have already applied for tickets.
Click on “Watch Event” at the bottom of the email.
The URL for Zoom and Youtube viewing information will appear at the bottom of the page.

Free of charge for members, special members, and those who have been asked to teach in the past year.
This meeting is for members only. Only those who wish to join can attend for a special fee of 20,000 yen.
Media and others are not permitted to attend.